
Made in USA Giveaways!

Waving flag blanket to be given away featured in the top left hand corner of the picture. Through the month of August, Draper Therapies will be giving away American Flag Blankets (pictured above) in celebration of our heritage and our 100% USA made product line. All of our followers on...


August 2011 Newsletter

Well if launching our new website wasn't cool enough, we went ahead and completely revamped our monthly newsletter as well! Chock full of great information, testimonials, great deals and more, it's something not to be missed. Take a look here to view what our first edition looks like:


The Technology Explained

Ever wondered what our spiel on our Draper Therapies products sounded like? Well listen to this great interview from the science man over at Celliant, David Horinek: [youtube]


The Rumors are True!

The rumors are true...we have officially launched our new website!

On the new site you'll find so much to get into, but in short, all of our social media is integrated making it easy to follow our blog and updates along with everything we’re doing on


July 4th Shutdown

Every year our mill gets shutdown for the week of July 4th. It's a great opportunity to give all our hardworking employees a break, but also gives the machines at Draper Knitting Company (our parent company) a good rest and recoup. We also accomplish a lot behind the scenes, the...


Pet Firework Fears

In my household, I have a cat who absolutely hates fireworks, thunderstorms and all loud, rumbly noises, so when I came across an article relating to pet firework fears, I was all over it. The article courtesy of Paw Nation, shared tips on preparing for the festivities of next Monday...


Dozer the Dog

[youtube=] This morning I was going through all the publications we happen to get sent each month and I came across an article called Amazing Race in this month's Cesar's Way Magazine.


Equine Therapy Seminar

Susanne Hassler and Kat Wojtylak at a recent visit to Hassler Dressage

Equine Physical Therapy Seminar

Benefitting the Equine Athlete with Ground Breaking Physical Therapy Featuring Narelle Stubbs PhD and Nicole Rombach, MS July 23, 2011 Seminar 9am-3:30pm July 24, 2011  Individual Treatment Sessions  Hassler Dressage is proud to bring the expertise of equine...


July 4th Sweets on the Brain

It's hard to imagine the 4th of July weekend is just about here. Most of us are running around wondering what to make for our picnics and parties in celebration of our independence and country. These little creations featured on behalf of the blog, My Juice...