
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget porttitor quam, vitae dignissim ligula. Curabitur vitae condimentum dui, quis hendrerit ligula. Sed pellentesque, nulla et venenatis vehicula, lacus diam commodo velit, vitae facilisis libero libero sed dui. Phasellus semper cursus tellus, et consectetur lorem molestie aliquet. Pellentesque mattis aliquet porta. Vestibulum in eros scelerisque felis interdum facilisis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi id magna congue, ullamcorper velit quis, sollicitudin enim. Integer gravida cursus purus, sit amet scelerisque mi sollicitudin nec.

Draper Therapies is a Proud Sponsor of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival

This year, Draper Therapies is proud to announce its sponsorship of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival (GDF). The Adequan Global Dressage Festival is the world's largest international and national dressage circuit featuring 8 CDIs, including five CDI-Ws, one 4* and one 5*, the only non-championship CDIO Nations' Cup in the Western Hemisphere,...


R&R Updates on Sky’s Suspenory Injuries

If you're just joining us, welcome to the story of Lucky & Sky, the test subjects in the Rehabilitate & Recover program. The core focus of the R&R program is to educate equine professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, competitors, shippers, and others on the Draper Therapies products and how they...


Riley Goes to Dock Dog World Championship

Riley and Brenda Halverson have worked hard all year to qualify for the Dockdog World Championships... and they did it! Though Riley is not a newcomer to the championships (he was 6th in 2012 and attended last year), qualifying unto itself is quite an accomplishment! Riley has qualified and will be...


R&R: Lucky’s Progress

If you're just joining us, welcome to the story of Lucky & Sky, the test subjects in the Rehabilitate & Recover program. The core focus of the R&R program is to educate equine professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, competitors, shippers, and others on the Draper Therapies products and how they...


R&R: Sky’s Progress at Clermont’s NYEF

If you're just joining us, welcome to the story of Lucky & Sky, the test subjects in the Rehabilitate & Recover program. The core focus of the R&R program is to educate equine professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, competitors, shippers, and others on the Draper Therapies products and how they...