
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eget porttitor quam, vitae dignissim ligula. Curabitur vitae condimentum dui, quis hendrerit ligula. Sed pellentesque, nulla et venenatis vehicula, lacus diam commodo velit, vitae facilisis libero libero sed dui. Phasellus semper cursus tellus, et consectetur lorem molestie aliquet. Pellentesque mattis aliquet porta. Vestibulum in eros scelerisque felis interdum facilisis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi id magna congue, ullamcorper velit quis, sollicitudin enim. Integer gravida cursus purus, sit amet scelerisque mi sollicitudin nec.

The Power of Draper

When any horse is recovering from competition, active work, racing, or any other strenuous activity, muscle and joint recovery are key components. The sooner a horse can recover, the sooner they can return to active work, whatever their discipline. To that end, some products can be found in my barn at...


2014 Fall Schedule

As most of you know, with horse shows the season is never REALLY over. That means our season isn't over either! Here's where you can find us this fall (horse shows, trade shows, and everywhere else!). 9/13-9/14: American Field, Boston MA "American Field is a pop-up exhibition & market featuring the best...


Meet the Team: CJ Millar

Draper Therapies is very excited to have CJ Millar on board and blogging for us! She brings not only brings her online marketing skills, but also a life-long working knowledge and passion for all things equine to the table. Please join me in welcoming CJ to our blog!    ...


Recovery Techniques for Competing Athletes

We were recently approached by blogger and Associate Director of Internet Marketing at RIP-IT Sports Susan Murray about possible uses of Celliant for athletes who are recovering from competitions. Though Murray focuses on primarily softball and baseball, many of the recovery techniques for pain relief can be used for athletes in a...