Canine Therapy | Draper for Dogs

Meet Draper’s New Advisory Board Member, Kristine Kubota!

We liken canine agility to the jumper ring - it's fast, tricky, and requires excellent communication between the animal and operator. Successful agility dogs must be well trained (physically and mentally) and be feeling their best in order to compete at the highest level. We are thrilled to introduce agility...

Breaking News

Draper Therapies Happy to Announce U.S. FDA Determines Celliant® Responsive Textile Products Meet Criteria as Medical Devices and General Wellness Products

July 27, 2017, Canton, MA - Draper Therapies is thrilled to announce that the United States Food and Drug Administration has determined that products containing  Celliant® meet the criteria for medical devices and general wellness products and will be categorized as such. All of Draper Therapies' products contain Celliant, a smart...


Canine Arthritis: Meet Joe Black

If you have had dogs for long enough, chances are you've witnessed the inevitable slow-down that comes with age. Old injuries are exacerbated by old age and arthritis leads to limited mobility and discomfort. There's no getting around it: age catches up with even the healthiest companions. Most owners accept...


An Ode to Barn Dogs

I grew up with dogs all around me – my own family dog, Kassidy, was a grumpy, loving and loyal Bichon Frise. My extended family had Goldens and Shepherds. My barn family had everything you could imagine – from Kody, the unbelievably smart German Shepherd, to KC, the search and...