Tips & Tricks, Fun Facts, and More

5 Tips for Successful Cold Weather Riding

When the mercury drops, many people head south for the winter but for those of you who aren't "Snowbirds" and choose to stick it out like I do (I love the snow!), it's important that both you and your horse are properly dressed for the elements. Depending on how cold it...


5 Favorite Cold Weather Cozies

Depending on where in the country you live, you may be getting ready for cold weather, or it may have already hit. "Old Man Winter" came early this year, and while it looks like we'll get a short break this weekend/next week, we all know that when winter comes, we...


Tip to Beat Summer Headaches

If you're anything like me, chances are the heat can really get to you. Between hot humid weather in the north east, and a chronic tense back and neck, headaches pretty much go hand in hand with summer heat, and trust me, I'd rather it not. Headaches are tricky things. For...


Recovery Techniques for Competing Athletes

We were recently approached by blogger and Associate Director of Internet Marketing at RIP-IT Sports Susan Murray about possible uses of Celliant for athletes who are recovering from competitions. Though Murray focuses on primarily softball and baseball, many of the recovery techniques for pain relief can be used for athletes in a...