
Florida Bound!

We're hitting the open road again! Becky will be in Ocala 2/16-17 and Wellington 2/18-21. Customer support will be limited during that time, however Becky will be available by email (Becky@drapertherapies.com) and Facebook message!


We’re Going on Vacation! Draper Therapies Order Information

We're going on vacation! Becky, our product guru... er, manager will be away from her office Thursday (2/1) until Monday (2/5). No orders will be shipped during that time... so if you need something shipped, get your order in before 3pm EST tomorrow! Becky will have limited phone/e-mail access while she...


Thanksgiving Weekend Preview

The biggest (and best, in my opinion) holiday is just two weeks away - hooray for Thanksgiving! That means that Black Friday, Thanksgiving Weekend, and Cyber Monday sale preparations are in full swing here at Draper Therapies. I've been sworn to secrecy until the week of Thanksgiving to unveil the...


We’re Taking Socks Off the “Lame Gift” List

Foot discomfort is the great equalizer. Although we assume that athletes are more likely to become injured, there are many conditions that can develop without engaging in athletic activity. Anyone can sprain an ankle, develop plantar fasciitis, suffer from neuropathy, or simply get sore feet from standing too long. Rich,...


Draper Therapies Labor Day Sale

Take advantage of our Labor Day weekend sale! Whether it's a gift for a loved one, leg wraps for your horse, or a new blanket for fido, get a great deal on all our products featuring recently FDA approved fiber Celliant®.     To learn more about Celliant click here. To learn...