
Canine Arthritis: Meet Joe Black

If you have had dogs for long enough, chances are you've witnessed the inevitable slow-down that comes with age. Old injuries are exacerbated by old age and arthritis leads to limited mobility and discomfort. There's no getting around it: age catches up with even the healthiest companions. Most owners accept...


An Ode to Barn Dogs

I grew up with dogs all around me – my own family dog, Kassidy, was a grumpy, loving and loyal Bichon Frise. My extended family had Goldens and Shepherds. My barn family had everything you could imagine – from Kody, the unbelievably smart German Shepherd, to KC, the search and...


Canine Corner: New Draper Therapies Bolster Bed

Sometimes picking the right product for your dog is tricky. When it comes to dog beds, dog owners have seemingly limitless options. Since your dog can't tell you his or her preferences, we often rely on our own standards of comfort to decide what type of bed is best. If...


Surviving the “Dog” Days of Winter

Don’t let winter slow down your senior dog!

Like humans, older dogs can suffer from joint pain and muscle pain. Cold winter weather exacerbates an elderly dog’s discomfort, making winter especially ruff *ahem* rough on our four legged friends. Canine product tester Blueberry, hard at work. If it is too cold...


Riley Goes to Dock Dog World Championship

Riley and Brenda Halverson have worked hard all year to qualify for the Dockdog World Championships... and they did it! Though Riley is not a newcomer to the championships (he was 6th in 2012 and attended last year), qualifying unto itself is quite an accomplishment! Riley has qualified and will be...


2014 Fall Schedule

As most of you know, with horse shows the season is never REALLY over. That means our season isn't over either! Here's where you can find us this fall (horse shows, trade shows, and everywhere else!). 9/13-9/14: American Field, Boston MA "American Field is a pop-up exhibition & market featuring the best...


‘Tis the Season!: Pet Holiday Photo Contest 2013

 Do you have a funny holiday picture of  your pet? Eating the Thanksgiving turkey, climbing the Christmas tree, raiding the holiday gifts, or simply dressed in their best for the season... We want to see it!  Send us your funniest holiday photo of  your pet for the change to...