
NEW Product: Draper Equine Therapy® Stable Sheet

Our new Draper Equine Therapy® Stable Sheet is not only stylish and offers excellent therapeutic benefits for your favorite equine, but it’s also so much more than your average horse ware! We're proud to announce that our new Stable Sheet fits the Draper standards of high quality, American-made items...


NEDA Fall Symposium

Every auditor in attendance will receive one of these from Draper Therapies. Take a read below to find out more! The NEDA (New England Dressage Association) Fall Symposium and Awards Banquet featuring Kyra Kyrkland will kick-off on Saturday, November...


Good Times and Great Smiles at Devon

Here we are just a few days after Dressage at Devon and we can't stop talking about the awesome time we had, even the rain storms couldn't wipe our smiles away! DAD provided so much this year that was interactive and fun on so many levels. We took part in...


Dressage at Devon

We are headed off to Dressage at Devon and love the fact that fall is in the air! Not to mention, we get to head back to Pennsylvania to see our friends and have a good 'ol time handing our out Best Foot Forward Award. But what is Dressage at Devon...


Rain Doesn’t Bring Us Down

This past weekend we took part in the NEDA (New England Dressage Association)'s Spring Show which was one of the first non-schooling shows of the season. NEDA is the largest single chapter American Dressage Organization, offering members top quality educational, competitive and scholarship opportunities which Draper Therapies is very...


Visit to Reekbok

Kat and Kristin of Draper Therapies with Jeff from the Reebok Corporate Store As many of you are starting to learn we here at Draper are always up to something, and last week proved to be no exception. Reebok recently launched their new ZigTech apparel line...