
NEDA Fall Festival was a HIT(S)

NEDA Volunteer Phyllis LeBlanc (right) presents Sabine Rijssenbeek with the Draper Therapies Best Foot Forward Award at NEDA Fall Festival. The awesome NEDA (New England Dressage Association) Fall Festival and Regional Championships for 2011 was held in conjunction with the last


NEDA Fall Festival with Draper Awards!

Lilly Keegan posing with Kat Wojtylak from Draper Therapies after winning the Best Foot Forward Award earlier this year. We are getting the van packed with all sorts of goodies to show off and sell during the NEDA's (New England Dressage Association)


Equine Therapy Seminar

Susanne Hassler and Kat Wojtylak at a recent visit to Hassler Dressage

Equine Physical Therapy Seminar

Benefitting the Equine Athlete with Ground Breaking Physical Therapy Featuring Narelle Stubbs PhD and Nicole Rombach, MS July 23, 2011 Seminar 9am-3:30pm July 24, 2011  Individual Treatment Sessions  Hassler Dressage is proud to bring the expertise of equine...


Tami Hoag Shares Inspirational Tale

Image provided by Tami Hoag Draper Advisory Board Member, Dressage rider and New York Times bestselling author Tami Hoag recently shared her insights on achieving personal and professional success on the Equesse Radio Show with Cynthia Royal and Leah Juarez. Equesse Radio, considered Horsepower for...


Rain Doesn’t Bring Us Down

This past weekend we took part in the NEDA (New England Dressage Association)'s Spring Show which was one of the first non-schooling shows of the season. NEDA is the largest single chapter American Dressage Organization, offering members top quality educational, competitive and scholarship opportunities which Draper Therapies is very...


NEDA Fall Weekend Symposium

In an effort to further education in the sport of dressage, Draper has been lucky enough to sponsor NEDA (New England Dressage Association) at their Spring and Fall Educational Events in 2010. It was during Halloween weekend that NEDA hosted a clinic by husband and wife team, Steffen...


Diane Barber

  Diane Barber with Jesse, Photo © Stephan Cooper Diane Barber will be leading several presentations on “Defying the Odds – A Second Chance for Soundness.” Diane is a dressage student of Spanish Olympian Rafael Soto, a contributing writer for Dressage Today magazine and a design and marketing entrepreneur.  She...


Tami Hoag

Photo courtesy of Tami Hoag Tami Hoag, Draper Advisory Board Member, is scheduled to be in Draper’s booth to do a talk with the author session and will also be available to sign autographs at the end, a wonderful opportunity for avid reader! New York Times bestselling mystery writer Tami...