
Out and About!: Saratoga Springs Horse Show 2013

                           It is with great pleasure that Draper Therapies is announcing its sponsorship of the Saratoga Springs Horse Show for 2013. The Saratoga Springs Horse Show has been running consecutively since 1960. It is the first outdoor USEF AA Rating and...


NEDA Fall Festival was a HIT(S)

NEDA Volunteer Phyllis LeBlanc (right) presents Sabine Rijssenbeek with the Draper Therapies Best Foot Forward Award at NEDA Fall Festival. The awesome NEDA (New England Dressage Association) Fall Festival and Regional Championships for 2011 was held in conjunction with the last


Rain Doesn’t Bring Us Down

This past weekend we took part in the NEDA (New England Dressage Association)'s Spring Show which was one of the first non-schooling shows of the season. NEDA is the largest single chapter American Dressage Organization, offering members top quality educational, competitive and scholarship opportunities which Draper Therapies is very...


Jamaica, 2008 Horse of the Year Retirment Ceremony

Jamaica, 2008 Horse of the Year (Photo Courtesy: Breyer) Draper Equine Therapy's Advisory Board Member Chester Weber famous combined driving equine teammate Jamaica, will go down in history as an award winning horse known for his tale of being rescued from a slaughterhouse before going on to compete...


Laura Munson Visits Wellington

Laura Munson, Meg Krueger of Equestrian Sport Productions and Kat Wojtylak of Draper Therapies during the Lunch and Learn Seminar In following up with our previous post, we had an absolutely wonderful time hosting Laura Munson, a NY Times Best Selling Author of the memoir, “This Is Not the Story...


Syracuse Invitational

On a last minute whim Kat headed out to Syracuse, NY to walk the esteemed Syracuse Invitational. The event which is held in downtown Syracuse at the OnCenter Convention Center is a fun event where you'll see many hunter/jumper athletes walking the streets of downtown to the competition ring which...