FEI World Equestrian Games

Equine Therapy Seminar

Susanne Hassler and Kat Wojtylak at a recent visit to Hassler Dressage

Equine Physical Therapy Seminar

Benefitting the Equine Athlete with Ground Breaking Physical Therapy Featuring Narelle Stubbs PhD and Nicole Rombach, MS July 23, 2011 Seminar 9am-3:30pm July 24, 2011  Individual Treatment Sessions  Hassler Dressage is proud to bring the expertise of equine...


New Friends in Kentucky

It was such a whirlwind of activity at the World Equestrian Games and it brought together some of the most fabulous and fascinating people. We truly had a blast meeting everyone and having the opportunity to talk one on one with everyone. We were able to share some amazing stories;...


Tami Hoag at the World Equestrian Games

New York Times bestselling mystery writer Tami Hoag shared some of the mysteries of her life, her award-winning career and her life as a professional dressage rider during an educational seminar at the Draper Equine Therapy booth during the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. ...


Go Team Draper!

Chester Weber, Draper Equine Therapy Advisory Board Member scores a Team Silver during the Combined Driving Phase of the World Equestrian Games. We congratulate the whole group behind the amazing efforts that were put forth throughout this monumental event. Go Team Draper and Team USA!


Horse Radio Network

Glenn the Geek of Horse Radio Network popped over to the Draper booth at the World Equestrian Games two days in a row to not only talk about our socks, but also to pose with the camera! Glenn was able to keep Adrienne (pictured right in the...


Way to go Selena!

Selena O’Hanlon and Colombo have proved every moment of their hard work by not only qualifying for the 2012 London Olympics, but with the spectacular rides at the World Equestrian Games, finished twelfth individually and brought home a Silver medal for Team Canada. We applaud...


Eric Dierks- The Competitive Mindset

Draper Equine Advisory Board Member, Eric Dierks, took a moment out of his busy schedule while at the World Equestrian Games to talk about the competitive mindset and what it means to keep your head in the game. Everyone who stopped in was able to take away tidbits to...


Palm Beach Equine/Dr. Scott Swerdlin

Dr. Scott Swerdlin, president of Palm Beach Equine Clinic in Wellington, Florida and Katy Equine Clinic in Brooksville, Texas will be doing a seminar on Therapeutic Options to Extend Your Horse's Productive Show Life. The seminar will include a question answer session along with education on different procedures and therapies...


We’ve Arrived!

So this photo might be a bit blurry, but look how beautiful! We've arrived on the first day of the World Equestrian Games with everything still quiet on this side of the Kentucky Horse Park. A beautiful sight to take in and enjoy. Also for your viewing pleasure, our new...