grand prix

Out and About!: Saratoga Springs Horse Show 2013

                           It is with great pleasure that Draper Therapies is announcing its sponsorship of the Saratoga Springs Horse Show for 2013. The Saratoga Springs Horse Show has been running consecutively since 1960. It is the first outdoor USEF AA Rating and...


Best Foot Forward Awards During the 2012 Sonoma Horse Park Season

Draper Best Foot Forward Award Winner, Nancy Hooker at the 2011 Winter Equestrian Festival     Draper will be sponsoring their famed, “Best Foot Forward” Award during the 2012 Sonoma Horse Park Show Season. As a Platinum sponsor, Draper will not only sponsor the “Best Foot Forward” Award but will also be...


Good Times and Great Smiles at Devon

Here we are just a few days after Dressage at Devon and we can't stop talking about the awesome time we had, even the rain storms couldn't wipe our smiles away! DAD provided so much this year that was interactive and fun on so many levels. We took part in...


NEDA Fall Festival was a HIT(S)

NEDA Volunteer Phyllis LeBlanc (right) presents Sabine Rijssenbeek with the Draper Therapies Best Foot Forward Award at NEDA Fall Festival. The awesome NEDA (New England Dressage Association) Fall Festival and Regional Championships for 2011 was held in conjunction with the last