
Keeping Healthy and Safe during Winter Riding

When the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, equestrians are among the first to complain!  The horses get fuzzy, water buckets start to freeze, and nobody wants to ride if they’re frozen from the extra barn chores that winter brings with it.  Those of us on the east coast...


How Do They Fit? Hock Boots

Buying garments online can be tricky – Does the product run big or small? How big is the model? If the product is adjustable, how adjustable? If the product is sized, does it run small or large?  These questions can have even the most determined shopper second guessing their order! As...


Draper Therapies is a Proud Sponsor of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival

This year, Draper Therapies is proud to announce its sponsorship of the Adequan Global Dressage Festival (GDF). The Adequan Global Dressage Festival is the world's largest international and national dressage circuit featuring 8 CDIs, including five CDI-Ws, one 4* and one 5*, the only non-championship CDIO Nations' Cup in the Western Hemisphere,...


R&R: Lucky’s Progress

If you're just joining us, welcome to the story of Lucky & Sky, the test subjects in the Rehabilitate & Recover program. The core focus of the R&R program is to educate equine professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, competitors, shippers, and others on the Draper Therapies products and how they...


R&R: Sky’s Progress at Clermont’s NYEF

If you're just joining us, welcome to the story of Lucky & Sky, the test subjects in the Rehabilitate & Recover program. The core focus of the R&R program is to educate equine professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, competitors, shippers, and others on the Draper Therapies products and how they...


The Beginnings of Recovery with R&R

Welcome to the story of Lucky & Sky, the test subjects in the Rehabilitate & Recover program. The core focus of the R&R program is to educate equine professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, competitors, shippers, and others on the Draper Therapies products and how they work to help your horses...


The Power of Draper

When any horse is recovering from competition, active work, racing, or any other strenuous activity, muscle and joint recovery are key components. The sooner a horse can recover, the sooner they can return to active work, whatever their discipline. To that end, some products can be found in my barn at...