Palm Beach International Equestrian Center

Lunching and Learning

Draper's Lunch and Learn Seminar in Wellington, FL featuring Sheri-lyn Traylor We had a wonderful time lunching and learning with everyone who showed up to our very informal, Lunch and Learn Seminar held on January 26th. The Draper Lunch and Learn seminar featured Sheri-lyn Traylor, the editor and art director...


Florida Sun Brings Smiles and the Best Foot, Forward

Denise Monopoli winning the Draper Best Foot Forward Award during the 2011 Winter Equestrian Festival. Riders with a positive attitude and a smile on their face make the show world a far better place, and we here at Draper Equine Therapy®, we  are looking to reward those riders by proclaiming...


Draped in Draper

Kyla Makhloghi, right, won the “Draped In Draper” contest at the Winter Equestrian Festival in 2011. Kat Wojtylak, second from right, is encouraging everyone to enter this year’s Draped In Draper contest for a chance to win $1,500 in Draper products. Visit the Draper website at to learn...


Week 7 of the Wellington Equestrian Festival

This past weekend was definitely filled with a lot of excitement and a non-stop schedule in Wellington, FL. Draper Therapies is an official sponsor of the 2011 FTI Winter Equestrian Festival which is the longest running event in horse sports, a 12-week equestrian extravaganza held annually from January...