
Good Times and Great Smiles at Devon

Here we are just a few days after Dressage at Devon and we can't stop talking about the awesome time we had, even the rain storms couldn't wipe our smiles away! DAD provided so much this year that was interactive and fun on so many levels. We took part in...


Dressage at Devon

We are headed off to Dressage at Devon and love the fact that fall is in the air! Not to mention, we get to head back to Pennsylvania to see our friends and have a good 'ol time handing our out Best Foot Forward Award. But what is Dressage at Devon...


Devon Brings Smiles and Sunshine

Danielle Cooper winning the Draper Best Foot Forward Award and her class at the Devon Horse Show. The always smiling Hanne Wenger and her home bred horse Encore K who won the Draper Best Foot Forward Award at the Devon Horse Show. The fabulously happy and positive Britany Maack...