
The Beginnings of Recovery with R&R

Welcome to the story of Lucky & Sky, the test subjects in the Rehabilitate & Recover program. The core focus of the R&R program is to educate equine professionals such as veterinarians, trainers, competitors, shippers, and others on the Draper Therapies products and how they work to help your horses...


To Infinity and Beyond!

In the fall of 2012, Draper Therapies introduced the Infinity scarf, a scarf that has ends are sewn together to make a large ring of fabric which the wearer then loops around their neck.The idea behind the design was fairly simple; a scarf with no ends couldn't be pulled or...


Recovery Techniques for Competing Athletes

We were recently approached by blogger and Associate Director of Internet Marketing at RIP-IT Sports Susan Murray about possible uses of Celliant for athletes who are recovering from competitions. Though Murray focuses on primarily softball and baseball, many of the recovery techniques for pain relief can be used for athletes in a...


Dozer the Dog

[youtube=] This morning I was going through all the publications we happen to get sent each month and I came across an article called Amazing Race in this month's Cesar's Way Magazine.


Rain Doesn’t Bring Us Down

This past weekend we took part in the NEDA (New England Dressage Association)'s Spring Show which was one of the first non-schooling shows of the season. NEDA is the largest single chapter American Dressage Organization, offering members top quality educational, competitive and scholarship opportunities which Draper Therapies is very...


Horse Radio Network

Glenn the Geek of Horse Radio Network popped over to the Draper booth at the World Equestrian Games two days in a row to not only talk about our socks, but also to pose with the camera! Glenn was able to keep Adrienne (pictured right in the...