
5 Keys to Healthy Horse Legs

Your horse's legs carry a lot of weight - 60% of their total weight is carried on their front legs - making leg care one of the most important pieces of the horse care puzzle. Here's what you can do to help keep your horse's legs looking and feeling their...


Canine Arthritis: Meet Joe Black

If you have had dogs for long enough, chances are you've witnessed the inevitable slow-down that comes with age. Old injuries are exacerbated by old age and arthritis leads to limited mobility and discomfort. There's no getting around it: age catches up with even the healthiest companions. Most owners accept...


Representing the Red, White, and Blue: Katherine Bateson-Chandler and Alcazar To Represent Team USA at Nations Cup CDIO3* Odense

Congratulations to Draper Therapies Advisory Board Member Katherine Bateson Chandler for being chosen to represent the USA at the CDIO3* in Odense! Wellington, Florida (April 22, 2016) — After completing a successful winter season at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, Florida, Grand Prix dressage rider and trainer Katherine Bateson-Chandler...


Canine Corner: New Draper Therapies Bolster Bed

Sometimes picking the right product for your dog is tricky. When it comes to dog beds, dog owners have seemingly limitless options. Since your dog can't tell you his or her preferences, we often rely on our own standards of comfort to decide what type of bed is best. If...


Keeping Healthy and Safe during Winter Riding

When the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, equestrians are among the first to complain!  The horses get fuzzy, water buckets start to freeze, and nobody wants to ride if they’re frozen from the extra barn chores that winter brings with it.  Those of us on the east coast...


Surviving the “Dog” Days of Winter

Don’t let winter slow down your senior dog!

Like humans, older dogs can suffer from joint pain and muscle pain. Cold winter weather exacerbates an elderly dog’s discomfort, making winter especially ruff *ahem* rough on our four legged friends. Canine product tester Blueberry, hard at work. If it is too cold...


How Do They Fit? Hock Boots

Buying garments online can be tricky – Does the product run big or small? How big is the model? If the product is adjustable, how adjustable? If the product is sized, does it run small or large?  These questions can have even the most determined shopper second guessing their order! As...


Riley Goes to Dock Dog World Championship

Riley and Brenda Halverson have worked hard all year to qualify for the Dockdog World Championships... and they did it! Though Riley is not a newcomer to the championships (he was 6th in 2012 and attended last year), qualifying unto itself is quite an accomplishment! Riley has qualified and will be...